Official's KornerOfficial's Role in Sportsmanship 2024 Officiating2024 City Meet Officials Assignments can be found here (coming later). RCSL relies on parents to assist with running the swim meets. This includes meet officials and stroke and turn judges. Please consider volunteering to become a meet official! It's easy to do and is critical to your team. Here is the 2024 current
list of RCSL officials (pdf
file created 06/19/2024 AM) Certification and Recertification tests for all officials are administered by an online test service. A valid user name and password is required to access and take the tests. For access, you only need to navigate to the specific test web page link and can input your own username and password. An overview of the Officiating certification process is defined in the following pitch. Good reference for Pool Reps and new Officials. There are some notable USA-S Rule changes effective 2023 impacting Starter verbal call to swimmers to the block and permissible re-submerge for the backstroke. fHere is a guide to the certification process (pdf file created 05/01/2024 AM)
Access to the 2024 tests is given below: Initial Stroke and Turn or Starter / Referee certification requires registration and a $20.00 processing fee. Recertification Stroke and Turn or Starter / Referee certification requires registration and a $10.00 processing fee. To access the registration portal and process fee using Paypal or your Credit Card go to: Access to initial or first time certification tests is given below: Access to recertification tests is given below: Deck Training is required for first time Stroke and Turn and first time Starter-Referee certification. Without this training, officials will not be fully certified to officiate a meet. Although not required for recertification, Deck training is recommended for recertification of Stroke and Turn as well as for Starter-Referee Judges. Video Training Use the Current Rules of Competition (modified 3/25/17) as open book reference material for the tests. To access the USA Swimming Rules online, pease visit this link for 2024 Rules) Important 2024 dates
Current list of certified officials will be maintained on the RCSL web site If you have questions, please email Brian Ham. |
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