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Meet Results / Record Listing

(Meters Time = Yards Time x 1.11 ----- Yards Time = Meters Time / 1.11)

                    Rocket City Swim League
                   Diving Championship 2006

                         Final Results

                            July 14
                   Brahan Spring Natatorium
                     Huntsville, Alabama

                       City Meet Scores

                   Hampton Cove        87.5
                   Camelot             86.5
                   Greenwyche          83.0
                   Whitesburg          82.5
                   Jones Valley        67.0
                   Sherwood            62.0
                   Piedmont            30.0
                   Blossomwood         17.5

The first three places of each event were awarded medals.
Ribbons were awarded from fourth to sixteenth.

7 & Under Girls

1   Ella McCary             Greenwyche      31.5
2   Avery Walters           Whitesburg      31.0
3   Sophia Sellers          Greenwyche      27.5
4   Emma Galey              Whitesburg      27.0
5   Katherine Rioux         Camelot         26.0    
6   Bailey Durham           Camelot         24.5
7 & Under Boys

1   Marshall Rosenhoover    Hampton Cove    28.0
2   Coleman Martinson       Greenwyche      27.0
3   Carter Hayes            Piedmont        25.0
4   Justin Porter           Sherwood        23.0
5   Noah Sanders            Camelot         19.0
6   Dawson Sanders          Camelot         13.0
7   Tyler Davis             Whitesburg      11.5
8   Jackson Vest            Jones Valley    10.5
9   Oakes Nelson            Jones Valley     9.5

8 & 9 Girls

1   Payton Walters          Whitesburg      50.5
2   Bonnie Lioce            Jones Valley    44.5
2   Hope Strickland         Camelot         44.5
4   Ellis Vest              Jones Valley    40.0
5   Anna Hahnemann          Piedmont        36.0
6   Katie Hayes             Piedmont        35.5
7   Haley McDonald          Whitesburg      35.0
7   Brooke Anderson         Hampton Cove    35.0
9   Sarah Whelchel          Hampton Cove    31.0
10  Erin McCollum           Camelot         26.5
11  Anna Block              Greenwyche      23.5

8 & 9 Boys

1   Austin Porter           Sherwood        51.0
2   John Sadler Evans       Greenwyche      42.5
3   Kaegan Meagher          Camelot         39.0
4   Luke DiPietro           Jones Valley    38.0
5   Ben Williams            Whitesburg      37.0
6   Max Coleman             Hampton Cove    36.0
7   Evans Allison           Blossomwood     34.5
7   James Weathers          Camelot         34.5
9   Easton Brock            Whitesburg      31.5
10  Jack Young              Blossomwood     27.5
11  Graham Rosenhoover      Hampton Cove    16.0
10 & 11 Girls

1   Shelby Sellers          Greenwyche      99.75
2   Anna Catherine Brooks   Greenwyche      92.35
3   Amy Cutter              Whitesburg      91.0
4   Celia Masucci           Blossomwood     69.7
5   Micaela Fitzgibbon      Sherwood        68.7
6   Zoey Davis              Jones Valley    66.55
7   Molly Zoladz            Jones Valley    57.1
8   Jenna Davis             Whitesburg      54.95
9   Candace Rosenhoover     Hampton Cove    53.15
10  Erica Doehrman          Camelot         52.4
11  Desireé Spring          Camelot         46.4
10 & 11 Boys

1   Steven Porter           Sherwood        100.35
2   Jordan Bagwell          Greenwyche       91.4
3   Ryann Holden            Whitesburg       88.0
4   Hank Beck               Blossomwood      80.5
5   Andrew Cannon           Camelot          71.35
6   Gavin Turner            Camelot          69.4
7   Noah McCormick          Piedmont         59.9
8   Jacob Abbott            Whitesburg       58.65
9   Harris Christian        Piedmont         42.6

12 & 13 Girls

1   Alex Summers            Camelot         117.75
2   Jasmine Sabio           Jones Valley    107.65
3   Lindsey Nalley          Piedmont        107.45
4   Liza Wood               Greenwyche      104.55
5   Ashley Hill             Whitesburg       96.65
6   Hannah Holloway         Jones Valley     94.7
7   Anna K Kimbrough        Greenwyche       88.65
8   Elyse Freeman           Blossomwood      87.85
9   Sara Lancaster          Sherwood         68.8
10  Molly Ingerson          Whitesburg       65.25
11  Ashley Todd             Hampton Cove     59.95
12 & 13 Boys

1   Dustin Garrett          Camelot         98.55
2   A. J. Lindner           Hampton Cove    93.5
3   Alex Brooks             Greenwyche      92.9
4   Eric Jones              Sherwood        86.35
5   Zachary Fitzgibbon      Sherwood        72.15
6   Kyle Watson             Camelot         71.7
7   Walt Williams           Whitesburg      68.75
14 & 15 Girls

1   Courtney Todd           Hampton Cove    145.1
2   Lauren Smith            Camelot         143.45
3   Sarah Coggins           Jones Valley    142.05
4   Cade Musgrove           Blossomwood     141.5
5   Marissa Marshall        Hampton Cove    121.65
6   Gracie Newsum           Camelot         111.95
14 & 15 Boys
1   Trent Tepool            Hampton Cove    156.15
2   Andrew Nalley           Piedmont        146.05
3   Clay Fleming            Greenwyche      142.
4   Corey Good              Jones Valley    137.25
5   Andrew Thomas           Jones Valley    126.25
6   Cassidy Cooper          Greenwyche      121.65
7   Morgan Taylor           Sherwood         99.4 
    Blake Yarbrough         Sherwood         DQ

16 –18 Girls

1   Megen Heslip            Independent     185.6
2   April Nelson            Whitesburg      184.75
3   Casey Jackson           Hampton Cove    182.70
4   Mary Frances Ashcraft   Whitesburg      157.65
5   Laura Mulqueen          Camelot         141.6
6   Camerin Smith           Hampton Cove    130.05
16 – 18 Boys

1   Luke Fitzgibbon         Sherwood        165.75
2   Cole Sterling           Jones Valley    151.4
3   Michael Calhoun         Hampton Cove    143.4
4   Donald Overbeek         Whitesburg      139.65
5   Byron Ferguson          Hampton Cove    132.7
6   Rob Campbell            Jones Valley    131.3
7   R. J. Maddox            Sherwood        127.9           
Women’s Open

1   Laura Mulqueen          Camelot         240.2
2   April Nelson            Whitesburg      240.
3   Casey Jackson           Hampton Cove    225.
4   Megen Heslip            Independent     224.75
5   Mary Frances Ashcraft   Whitesburg      208.15
6   Liza Wood               Greenwyche      187.25
7   Sarah Coggins           Jones Valley    186.95
8   Alex Summers            Camelot         176.9

Men’s Open

1   Trent Tepool            Hampton Cove    230.25
2   Luke Fitzgibbon         Sherwood        227.7
3   Andrew Thomas           Jones Valley    223.4
4   Clay Fleming            Greenwyche      206.85
5   Donald Overbeek         Whitesburg      204.2
6   Byron Ferguson          Hampton Cove    191.3
7   Andrew Nalley           Piedmont        175.85
8   Jordan Bagwell          Greenwyche      174.4
9   Cole Sterling           Jones Valley    170.5
    R. J. Maddox            Sherwood         DQ



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