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Meet Results / Record Listing

(Meters Time = Yards Time x 1.11 ----- Yards Time = Meters Time / 1.11)

Licensed to RCSL Swimming Champ. Meet
                                   HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0 7/11/2022 10:30 AM
                  2022 RCSL City Meet - 7/9/2022 - 7/10/2022                   
Event 15  Girls 9-10 200 Yard Medley Relay
 RCSL Record:   2:14.47        1998 Piedmont                                   
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Monte Sano  'A'                                   2:28.12    2:29.13  
     1) Segrest, Reese 9                2) Horvath, Marie 10              
     3) Quadrini, Paige 10              4) Morgan, Audrey 10              
  2 Piedmont Recreation Associatio  'A'               2:38.33    2:34.98  
     1) Handley, Molly 10               2) Mooty, Liddie 10               
     3) Vayda, Arleigh G 10             4) Fleming, Merril E 10           
  3 Jones Valley Recreation Assn.  'A'                2:37.73    2:36.29  
     1) Miriovsky, Penelope 9           2) Powell, Farris 9               
     3) Beauchamp, Gabrielle 9          4) Ralph, Kyndall 9               
  4 Lily Flagg Swim Team  'A'                         2:43.25    2:47.33  
     1) Law, Reese K 9                  2) Conner, Lillyan N 10           
     3) Mikatarian, Jessica E 10        4) Webber, Hazel M 9              
  5 Greenwyche Gators  'A'                            2:47.21    2:49.75  
     1) Lee, Kinley 9                   2) Allan, Nora 10                 
     3) Ludwig, Cydney 9                4) Bevel, Emily 10                
  6 Whitesburg Tide  'A'                              3:00.67    2:51.24  
     1) Walker, Riley 9                 2) Brown, Vera 10                 
     3) Harrison, Addison 9             4) Borchers, Elizabeth 10         
  7 Mountain Springs  'A'                             2:53.82    2:58.17  
     1) Hulgan, Katherine 10            2) Cooper, Campbell 10            
     3) Hinton, Alice 10                4) Alexander, Mollie 10           
  8 Valley Hill Country Club  'A'                     3:06.79    3:03.16  
     1) Sandora, Claire 10              2) Still, Chloe 10                
     3) Sandora, Kaitlyn 9              4) Slette, Katie 10               
  9 Hampton Cove Hurricanes  'A'                      3:13.47    3:25.81  
     1) Harris, Elizabeth G 10          2) Park, Sofia J 10               
     3) Stark, Aubrey E 10              4) Kingsbury, Polina C 9          
 10 Redstone Arsenal Launchers  'A'                   3:23.71    3:30.01  
     1) Rogers, Evelyn E 9              2) Jones, Lily A 10               
     3) Harness, Anne Marie M 10        4) Yonk, Bailey R 10              
 11 Sharon Johnston Swim Team  'A'                    3:08.51    3:33.22  
     1) Castor, Clarissa 10             2) Thomas, Emerie 10              
     3) Jones, Enslee 9                 4) Mize, Lilli 10                 
 12 Byrd Spring  'A'                                  4:04.62    3:50.19  
     1) Trenkle, Hannah N 9             2) Smith, Rosie G 10              
     3) Pierce, Cassidy R 10            4) Easterling, Evy R 9            
 13 Sherwood Swim Team  'A'                           4:18.37    3:56.59  
     1) Glass, Lucy 10                  2) Freelove, Lilly 9              
     3) Eubanks, Luci 9                 4) Kenny, Norah 9                 
 -- Camelot Recreation Association  'A'               3:48.75         DQ  
     1) Sukhwani, Charlotte 9           2) Ashton, Abigail 10             
     3) Turner, Sophia 9                4) Houser, Leona 8                
 -- Blossomwood Swim Team  'A'                        2:50.63         DQ  
     1) Clark, Lily 10                  2) Carter, Katherine 10           
     3) Yates, Lauren 10                4) Lowe, Landry 10                
 -- Chapman swim team  'A'                            3:30.61         DQ  
     1) Hunt, Carlie 10                 2) Hughes, Caroline 10            
     3) Hanna, Lucy 10                  4) Lee, Stella 9                  
Event 16  Boys 9-10 200 Yard Medley Relay
 RCSL Record:   2:22.68        1975 Piedmont                                   
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Jones Valley Recreation Assn.  'A'                2:38.64    2:32.82  
     1) Newby, Luke 10                  2) Miriovsky, Teddy 9             
     3) Utley, Carson 10                4) Deston, Declan 10              
  2 Lily Flagg Swim Team  'A'                         2:47.11    2:45.11  
     1) Butler, Levi E 10               2) Olsen, Bart M 10               
     3) Broach, Matt D 10               4) Sturmfels, Oscar 9             
  3 Monte Sano  'A'                                   3:01.38    2:56.88  
     1) Proud, Brendan 9                2) Moore, Liam 9                  
     3) Ohlson, Reed 10                 4) Bains, Owen J 10               
  4 Blossomwood Swim Team  'A'                        2:57.60    2:57.40  
     1) Ferguson, James 10              2) Paque, Maddox 10               
     3) Good, Kolton 9                  4) Wilson, Oliver 9               
  5 Greenwyche Gators  'A'                            3:12.95    2:59.24  
     1) Brigance, Benjamin 10           2) Craig, Zach 9                  
     3) Bevel, Grant 10                 4) Taylor, Win 9                  
  6 Piedmont Recreation Associatio  'A'               3:04.58    3:00.35  
     1) Matheny, James 10               2) McCloud, Grant J 10            
     3) Hamer, Asa 9                    4) Neely, Judah 10                
  7 Sherwood Swim Team  'A'                           3:05.63    3:04.21  
     1) Clay, Eli 9                     2) Todd, Samuel 9                 
     3) Detwiler, Fritz 10              4) Sprinz, Evan 10                
  8 Camelot Recreation Association  'A'               3:16.16    3:04.34  
     1) Rice, Parker 10                 2) Reeves, Andrew 9               
     3) Burnham, Joshua 9               4) Turner, Elijah 9               
  9 Sharon Johnston Swim Team  'A'                    3:11.49    3:10.00  
     1) Ukeje, Ife 10                   2) Trafton, Connor 10             
     3) Gastler, Zach 9                 4) Provence, Cole 9               
 10 Whitesburg Tide  'A'                              3:18.95    3:10.86  
     1) Howison, Landon 10              2) Abel, Todd 10                  
     3) Rogers, Grayson 9               4) Dyer, Fletcher 10              
 11 Chapman swim team  'A'                            3:26.88    3:29.45  
     1) Mcbride, Carson 10              2) Smith, Tristen 10              
     3) Campbell, Shiloh 9              4) Madsen, Phillip 9              
 12 Byrd Spring  'A'                                  4:02.35    4:15.62  
     1) Spellman, Zane B 7              2) Cubel, Grant W 9               
     3) Wierenga, Austin M 9            4) Alford, Cameron A 9            
 -- Valley Hill Country Club  'A'                     3:05.22         DQ  
     1) Painter, Bryce 9                2) Bickel, Deaglin 10             
     3) Oneill, Tyndale 9               4) Harriman, Hayes 10             
 -- Hampton Cove Hurricanes  'A'                      3:24.82         DQ  
     1) Henderson, Pio K 10             2) Holland, Harrison G 9          
     3) Appletoft, Brock 9              4) Townsley, Hudson A 9           
 -- Mountain Springs  'A'                             2:58.62         DQ  
     1) Pommerenck, Brody 10            2) Ford, Sykes 10                 
     3) Stursma, Lucas 9                4) Schrimsher, Rowan 10           
Event 17  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle Exhibition
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Story, Millie             10 Blossomwood            37.83      35.83  
  2 Wessel, Kate K            10 PIED                   39.20      36.79  
  3 Pfitzer, Lily A           10 MNSO                   36.94      37.96  
  4 Elam, Evelyn L             9 MNSO                   39.49      37.97  
  5 McMillion, Rachel C       10 MNSO                   37.47      39.10  
  6 Rush, Charlotte           10 MNSO                   40.66      39.15  
  7 Berkholtz, Kate           10 MNSO                   42.39      40.14  
  8 Dry, Shiloh               10 MNSO                   39.55      40.16  
  9 Lindgren, Charlotte        9 Gators                 43.67      40.64  
 10 Francis, Lucy             10 PIED                   45.00      40.75  
 11 Lash, Lucy                10 VHCC                   43.84      41.02  
 12 Neely, Maria J            10 PIED                   42.59      41.10  
 13 Blair, Abigail            10 JVRA                   43.60      42.67  
 14 Monroe, Clara              9 PIED                   42.70      42.88  
 15 Wintzell, Chloe           10 VHCC                   42.00      43.04  
 16 Heaps, Vivian              9 Gators                 44.38      44.30  
 17 Ralph, Courtlyn            9 JVRA                   46.82      45.17  
 18 Pollard, Lady A            9 Hampton Cove              NT      45.95  
 19 Escorpizo, Tessa R        10 Lily Flagg             45.76      46.65  
 20 Elmore, Merry L           10 Lily Flagg             49.49      47.25  
 21 Niemitz, Riley             9 JVRA                   48.20      47.72  
 22 Andrews, Skylar           10 Stingrays              52.77      47.97  
 23 Moree, Gracie             10 SJST                   50.59      48.07  
 24 Lawton, Lucky             10 MNSO                   48.74      48.23  
 25 Luhmann, Kylah            10 Blossomwood            52.05      48.27  
 26 Parnell, Emersyn          10 VHCC                      NT      49.35  
 27 Lucas, Juliana             9 Blossomwood            59.13      49.67  
 28 Wessel, Caroline          10 PIED                   49.60      49.91  
 29 Mize, Lilli               10 SJST                   50.75      50.02  
 30 Handley, Ellis            10 Stingrays              51.15      50.27  
 31 Still, Avery              10 VHCC                   53.13      51.83  
 32 Douthit, Mya               9 PIED                   57.18      53.73  
 33 Hinton, Haizyn             9 SJST                   55.64      54.31  
 34 Daigle, Juliana           10 Gators                 51.30      54.72  
 35 Orton, Lillian             9 MNSO                   52.82      55.80  
 36 League, Harley            10 Gators                 53.05      55.87  
 37 Strickland, Josie          9 JVRA                 1:00.45      57.72  
 38 Lundy, Addison            10 SJST                 1:03.41      58.64  
 39 Harrison, Millie           9 MNSO                   54.14      58.92  
 40 Charles, Harper           10 SJST                 1:01.75    1:00.63  
 41 Hughes, Alyssa            10 SJST                 1:11.29    1:07.17  
 42 Rogers, Evelyn E           9 RSAL                 1:15.69    1:07.50  
 43 Jones, Katelyn A           9 Hampton Cove         1:01.19    1:09.40  
 44 Crews, Bliss L             9 Byrd Spring          1:22.58    1:11.83  
 45 Gamble, Kyleigh           10 SJST                 1:08.35    1:13.58  
Event 18  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle
 RCSL Record:   27.28        1989 Lee Ann Gathings, Greenwyche                 
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals        
A - Final
  1 Quadrini, Paige           10 MNSO                   28.28      28.31  
  2 Beauchamp, Gabrielle       9 JVRA                   31.20      30.90  
  3 Handley, Molly            10 PIED                   31.29      31.23  
  4 Mooty, Liddie             10 PIED                   31.82      32.00  
  5 Humphrey-Troupe, Samanth  10 Hammerheads            31.79      32.01  
  6 Harness, Anne Marie M     10 RSAL                   32.28      32.33  
  7 Morgan, Audrey            10 MNSO                   32.33      33.08  
  8 Miriovsky, Penelope        9 JVRA                   34.13      34.09  
B - Final
  9 Carter, Katherine         10 Blossomwood            34.31      33.60  
 10 Clark, Lily               10 Blossomwood            35.58      34.32  
 11 Hanna, Lucy               10 Chapman                35.09      34.36  
 12 Hulgan, Katherine         10 Stingrays              34.65      34.40  
 13 Williams, Lucy             9 MNSO                   34.74      34.64  
 14 Harrison, Addison          9 The Tide               34.90      34.67  
 15 Ralph, Kyndall             9 JVRA                   34.27      34.71  
 16 Borchers, Elizabeth       10 The Tide               35.02      36.13  
Event 18  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle
 RCSL Record:   27.28        1989 Lee Ann Gathings, Greenwyche                 
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Quadrini, Paige           10 MNSO                   29.73      28.28  
  2 Beauchamp, Gabrielle       9 JVRA                   32.00      31.20  
  3 Handley, Molly            10 PIED                   31.31      31.29  
  4 Humphrey-Troupe, Samanth  10 Hammerheads            32.62      31.79  
  5 Mooty, Liddie             10 PIED                   32.35      31.82  
  6 Harness, Anne Marie M     10 RSAL                   33.00      32.28  
  7 Morgan, Audrey            10 MNSO                   32.88      32.33  
  8 Miriovsky, Penelope        9 JVRA                   34.70      34.13  
  9 Ralph, Kyndall             9 JVRA                   34.21      34.27  
 10 Carter, Katherine         10 Blossomwood            33.94      34.31  
 11 Hulgan, Katherine         10 Stingrays              34.02      34.65  
 12 Williams, Lucy             9 MNSO                   36.06      34.74  
 13 Harrison, Addison          9 The Tide               34.40      34.90  
 14 Borchers, Elizabeth       10 The Tide               37.56      35.02  
 15 Hanna, Lucy               10 Chapman                34.26      35.09  
 16 Clark, Lily               10 Blossomwood            35.25      35.58  
 17 Pierce, Cassidy R         10 Byrd Spring            35.46      36.00  
 18 Fleming, Merril E         10 PIED                   34.88      36.01  
 19 Ludwig, Cydney             9 Gators                 35.98      36.26  
 20 Walker, Riley              9 The Tide               38.85      36.53  
 21 Bevel, Emily              10 Gators                 36.77      36.55  
 22 Mikatarian, Jessica E     10 Lily Flagg             39.38      36.62  
 23 Yates, Lauren             10 Blossomwood            36.63      37.15  
 24 Lee, Kinley                9 Gators                 37.76      37.77  
 25 Slette, Katie             10 VHCC                   39.41      38.23  
 26 Alexander, Mollie         10 Stingrays              37.57      38.79  
 27 Sandora, Claire           10 VHCC                   37.53      38.91  
 28 Stark, Aubrey E           10 Hampton Cove           43.09      39.16  
 29 Sandora, Kaitlyn           9 VHCC                   39.75      40.20  
 30 Jones, Enslee              9 SJST                   42.60      40.70  
 31 McDonald, Phoebe           9 Stingrays              41.69      41.40  
 32 Hunt, Carlie              10 Chapman                39.78      42.14  
 33 Brown, Elsie S            10 Lily Flagg             44.31      42.57  
 34 Glass, Lucy               10 Sherwood               47.29      43.12  
 35 Kingsbury, Polina C        9 Hampton Cove           43.95      43.84  
 36 Hughes, Caroline          10 Chapman                41.38      44.16  
 37 Harris, Elizabeth G       10 Hampton Cove           46.00      45.27  
 38 Castor, Clarissa          10 SJST                   41.13      46.65  
 39 Ashton, Abigail           10 CAML                   47.84      48.24  
 40 Eubanks, Luci              9 Sherwood               50.00      48.60  
 41 Turner, Sophia             9 CAML                   45.23      48.65  
 42 McLain, Beattie            9 Lily Flagg             45.47      49.10  
 43 Easterling, Evy R          9 Byrd Spring            51.74      49.12  
 44 Barry, Kathryn V           9 Hammerheads            53.30      51.13  
 45 Freelove, Lilly            9 Sherwood               50.37      51.48  
 46 Sukhwani, Charlotte        9 CAML                   53.50      52.97  
 47 O'Neal, Molly M           10 Hammerheads            58.40      58.39  
 48 Anderson, Kira M           9 RSAL                 1:01.68    1:01.49  
Event 19  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle
 RCSL Record:   27.45        1984 Milo Crawford, YMCA                          
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals        
A - Final
  1 McCloud, Grant J          10 PIED                   31.57      31.17  
  2 Newby, Luke               10 JVRA                   31.88      31.26  
  3 Hamer, Asa                 9 PIED                   32.91      32.45  
  4 Utley, Carson             10 JVRA                   32.98      32.57  
  5 Broach, Matt D            10 Lily Flagg             32.15      32.97  
  6 Bains, Owen J             10 MNSO                   34.46      33.42  
  7 Ramage, Turner M           9 Lily Flagg             34.40      34.61  
  8 Deston, Declan            10 JVRA                   34.95      34.68  
B - Final
  9 Paque, Maddox             10 Blossomwood            35.37      33.96  
 10 Barnsby, Matthew          10 The Tide               36.62      34.92  
 11 Ferguson, James           10 Blossomwood            35.62      35.13  
 12 Howison, Landon           10 The Tide               36.91      36.36  
 13 Ford, Sykes               10 Stingrays              36.58      36.42  
 14 Schrimsher, Rowan         10 Stingrays              35.87      36.57  
 15 Turner, Elijah             9 CAML                   35.46      36.61  
 16 Harriman, Hayes           10 VHCC                   36.35      37.40  
Event 19  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle
 RCSL Record:   27.45        1984 Milo Crawford, YMCA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 McCloud, Grant J          10 PIED                   32.87      31.57  
  2 Newby, Luke               10 JVRA                   32.87      31.88  
  3 Broach, Matt D            10 Lily Flagg             34.15      32.15  
  4 Hamer, Asa                 9 PIED                   32.47      32.91  
  5 Utley, Carson             10 JVRA                   35.63      32.98  
  6 Ramage, Turner M           9 Lily Flagg             37.52      34.40  
  7 Bains, Owen J             10 MNSO                   34.79      34.46  
  8 Deston, Declan            10 JVRA                   36.71      34.95  
  9 Paque, Maddox             10 Blossomwood            34.57      35.37  
 10 Turner, Elijah             9 CAML                   36.22      35.46  
 11 Ferguson, James           10 Blossomwood            36.20      35.62  
 12 Schrimsher, Rowan         10 Stingrays              35.90      35.87  
 13 Harriman, Hayes           10 VHCC                   36.51      36.35  
 14 Ford, Sykes               10 Stingrays              36.97      36.58  
 15 Barnsby, Matthew          10 The Tide                  NT      36.62  
 16 Howison, Landon           10 The Tide               36.66      36.91  
 17 Painter, Bryce             9 VHCC                   35.78      37.16  
 18 Wilson, Oliver             9 Blossomwood            38.25      37.22  
 19 Taylor, Win                9 Gators                 39.02      38.14  
 20 Tewalt, Kornei            10 Hammerheads            41.01      38.76  
 21 Dyer, Fletcher            10 The Tide               42.76      38.96  
 22 Reeves, Andrew             9 CAML                   41.57      39.03  
 23 Bevel, Grant              10 Gators                 42.35      39.09  
 24 Sprinz, Evan              10 Sherwood               38.84      39.11  
 25 Brigance, Benjamin        10 Gators                 39.04      39.30  
 26 Gotvald, Nelson            9 MNSO                   40.12      39.66  
 27 Clay, Eli                  9 Sherwood               41.05      40.05  
 28 Ukeje, Ife                10 SJST                   38.06      40.17  
 29 Shrader, Noah             10 Stingrays              41.62      40.59  
 30 Rybacki, Alden             9 CAML                   48.83      40.63  
 31 Mcbride, Carson           10 Chapman                41.00      40.93  
 32 Townsley, Hudson A         9 Hampton Cove           40.14      41.28  
 33 Gastler, Zach              9 SJST                   42.33      41.37  
 34 Snider, Carson             9 Hammerheads            41.47      41.62  
 35 Warnke, John               9 VHCC                   38.58      42.44  
 36 Cantey, Harry             10 MNSO                   39.05      42.69  
 37 Campbell, Shiloh           9 Chapman                40.39      43.13  
 38 Wierenga, Austin M         9 Byrd Spring            42.26      43.43  
 39 Provence, Cole             9 SJST                   41.91      43.54  
 40 Custer, Ben               10 Sherwood               47.69      46.85  
 41 Cubel, Grant W             9 Byrd Spring            48.77      47.26  
 42 Neely, Judah              10 PIED                   45.26      48.61  
 43 Reynolds, Kipton B        10 Hammerheads            51.72      49.00  
 44 Mitchell, Kannon D         9 RSAL                   56.69      49.84  
 45 Appletoft, Brock           9 Hampton Cove         1:08.22      57.03  
 46 Alford, Cameron A          9 Byrd Spring          1:10.13    1:02.10  
 47 Pleva, Stephen D          10 Hampton Cove         1:13.07    1:07.46  
 -- Olsen, Bart M             10 Lily Flagg             34.41         DQ  
Event 20  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle Exhibition
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Alvarez, Nico H            9 Lily Flagg             39.10      37.54  
  2 Fayrweather, Vince         9 JVRA                   40.46      38.64  
  3 Cruze, Carter M            9 Lily Flagg             44.05      38.80  
  4 Cruze, Nathan J            9 Lily Flagg             44.26      40.44  
  5 Reed, Parker              10 JVRA                   41.19      40.57  
  6 Coon, Dylan                9 MNSO                   41.61      42.07  
  7 Black, Jayden R           10 Lily Flagg             44.05      43.25  
  8 Reed, Macon               10 JVRA                   46.82      44.27  
  9 Butler, William I         10 Lily Flagg             47.01      44.67  
 10 Blackwell, Berkeley       10 JVRA                   50.50      44.90  
 11 Aldridge, Lennon          10 Blossomwood            45.64      45.42  
 12 Younger, Tyler             9 Stingrays              47.37      47.60  
 13 Causey, Thomas             9 MNSO                   46.68      48.63  
 14 Anderson, Calvin           9 PIED                   49.34      48.64  
 15 Paul, Dylan               10 MNSO                   57.38      50.00  
 16 Eason, Wyatt               9 CAML                   51.99      50.04  
 17 Craig, Nick                9 Gators                 57.30      50.81  
 18 Taylor, John               9 JVRA                   52.88      51.40  
 19 Davis, Austin             10 SJST                   51.78      52.92  
 20 Brown, Christopher        10 Sherwood               55.53      53.02  
 21 Jordan, Hudson C          10 Lily Flagg             56.20      53.12  
 22 Elmore, Silas              9 The Tide               55.56      54.11  
 23 Norton, Lawson             9 JVRA                   50.59      55.18  
 24 Eng, Liam                  9 SJST                   51.50      56.72  
 25 Petty, Teague             10 MNSO                   56.05      57.73  
 26 Martin, Jason              9 MNSO                 1:04.95      59.35  
 27 Story, Sam                 9 Blossomwood            51.15    1:03.72  
 28 Thompson, Cody            10 SJST                   59.72    1:06.93  
 29 Eubanks, Leland            9 Sherwood             1:07.33    1:09.81  
 30 Zupko, William            10 CAML                 1:08.39    1:10.95  
 31 Wilson, Jason              9 SJST                 1:20.12    1:33.32  
 32 Brown, Calvin              9 Sherwood             1:05.18    1:34.65  
Event 21  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke
 RCSL Record:   34.39        1980 Jana Korsch, Camelot                         
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals        
A - Final
  1 Beauchamp, Gabrielle       9 JVRA                   39.46      40.03  
  2 Jones, Lily A             10 RSAL                   42.12      41.02  
  3 Morgan, Audrey            10 MNSO                   41.05      41.30  
  4 Humphrey-Troupe, Samanth  10 Hammerheads            41.79      41.89  
  5 Horvath, Marie            10 MNSO                   43.67      42.63  
  6 Segrest, Caroline          9 MNSO                   44.26      44.63  
  7 Allan, Nora               10 Gators                 43.74      44.71  
  8 Webber, Hazel M            9 Lily Flagg             43.80      45.56  
B - Final
  9 Mooty, Liddie             10 PIED                   44.51      45.47  
 10 Hulgan, Katherine         10 Stingrays              45.02      46.06  
 11 Garrett, Jacksyn A        10 JVRA                   47.06      46.20  
 12 Carter, Katherine         10 Blossomwood            48.55      47.26  
 13 Conner, Lillyan N         10 Lily Flagg             47.51      47.90  
 14 Brown, Vera               10 The Tide               48.29      48.57  
 15 Sieja, Edith              10 PIED                   46.69      49.60  
 16 Hayles, Harper             9 PIED                   50.51      52.44  
Event 21  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke
 RCSL Record:   34.39        1980 Jana Korsch, Camelot                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Beauchamp, Gabrielle       9 JVRA                   40.09      39.46  
  2 Morgan, Audrey            10 MNSO                   42.40      41.05  
  3 Humphrey-Troupe, Samanth  10 Hammerheads            43.89      41.79  
  4 Jones, Lily A             10 RSAL                   44.20      42.12  
  5 Horvath, Marie            10 MNSO                   43.10      43.67  
  6 Allan, Nora               10 Gators                 46.62      43.74  
  7 Webber, Hazel M            9 Lily Flagg             46.40      43.80  
  8 Segrest, Caroline          9 MNSO                   44.77      44.26  
  9 Mooty, Liddie             10 PIED                   44.83      44.51  
 10 Hulgan, Katherine         10 Stingrays              45.84      45.02  
 11 Sieja, Edith              10 PIED                   49.42      46.69  
 12 Garrett, Jacksyn A        10 JVRA                   50.19      47.06  
 13 Conner, Lillyan N         10 Lily Flagg             47.52      47.51  
 14 Brown, Vera               10 The Tide               49.97      48.29  
 15 Carter, Katherine         10 Blossomwood            47.49      48.55  
 16 Hayles, Harper             9 PIED                   51.69      50.51  
 17 Borchers, Elizabeth       10 The Tide               52.00      50.64  
 18 Cooper, Campbell          10 Stingrays              52.32      50.90  
 19 Powell, Farris             9 JVRA                   49.27      51.16  
 20 Bevel, Emily              10 Gators                 55.97      51.45  
 21 Lee, Kinley                9 Gators                 51.93      52.35  
 22 Park, Sofia J             10 Hampton Cove           47.97      52.82  
 23 Stark, Aubrey E           10 Hampton Cove           54.74      53.47  
 24 Lucas, Kinleigh           10 The Tide               56.32      54.05  
 25 Yates, Lauren             10 Blossomwood            54.96      55.11  
 26 Hunt, Carlie              10 Chapman                56.30      55.22  
 27 Younger, Morgan            9 Stingrays              58.70      56.10  
 28 Hagedorn, Nanaya          10 VHCC                   56.96      56.75  
 29 Lowe, Landry              10 Blossomwood            57.43      57.04  
 30 Slette, Katie             10 VHCC                   54.88      57.24  
 31 Hicks, Liliella            9 Lily Flagg             56.83      57.89  
 32 Hughes, Caroline          10 Chapman                58.34      58.51  
 33 Thomas, Emerie            10 SJST                   59.59      59.87  
 34 Castor, Clarissa          10 SJST                 1:01.71    1:03.53  
 35 Barry, Kathryn V           9 Hammerheads          1:06.05    1:04.24  
 36 Conner, Kimberly           9 Sherwood             1:22.49    1:04.59  
 37 Daughtry, Kennedy          9 SJST                      NT    1:05.57  
 38 Freelove, Lilly            9 Sherwood             1:05.67    1:07.28  
 39 Eubanks, Luci              9 Sherwood             1:14.42    1:08.71  
 40 Turner, Sophia             9 CAML                 1:08.81    1:10.25  
 41 Easterling, Evy R          9 Byrd Spring          1:18.91    1:18.05  
 -- Sparks, Ella Ryan          9 Byrd Spring          1:33.22         DQ  
 -- Lee, Stella                9 Chapman              1:14.05         DQ  
 -- Ashton, Abigail           10 CAML                 1:05.56         DQ  
 -- Koprowski, Kinsey E        9 RSAL                 1:41.44         DQ  
 -- Stark, Kailey D            9 Hampton Cove         1:21.69         DQ  
 -- Still, Chloe              10 VHCC                   54.41         DQ  
 -- Anderson, Kira M           9 RSAL                 1:45.48         DQ  
Event 22  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke
 RCSL Record:   35.98        1997 Jim Wills, Jones Valley                      
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals        
A - Final
  1 Olsen, Bart M             10 Lily Flagg             42.72      40.77  
  2 McCloud, Grant J          10 PIED                   41.58      41.74  
  3 Ford, Sykes               10 Stingrays              42.16      42.97  
  4 Broach, Matt D            10 Lily Flagg             45.15      44.13  
  5 Detwiler, Fritz           10 Sherwood               43.98      44.42  
  6 Miriovsky, Teddy           9 JVRA                   44.58      44.83  
  7 Groves, William E         10 RSAL                   45.43      45.51  
  8 Sprinz, Evan              10 Sherwood               45.53      47.79  
B - Final
  9 Tewalt, Kornei            10 Hammerheads            46.75      47.04  
 10 Cochran, Carter           10 JVRA                   49.25      48.63  
 11 Sturmfels, Oscar           9 Lily Flagg             48.90      49.64  
 12 Bains, Owen J             10 MNSO                   49.72      50.09  
 13 Paque, Maddox             10 Blossomwood            48.83      50.25  
 14 Oneill, Tyndale            9 VHCC                   49.26      50.69  
 15 Ferguson, James           10 Blossomwood            50.50      51.84  
 16 Henderson, Pio K          10 Hampton Cove           49.91      51.91  
Event 22  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke
 RCSL Record:   35.98        1997 Jim Wills, Jones Valley                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 McCloud, Grant J          10 PIED                   44.94      41.58  
  2 Ford, Sykes               10 Stingrays              44.13      42.16  
  3 Olsen, Bart M             10 Lily Flagg             44.33      42.72  
  4 Detwiler, Fritz           10 Sherwood               47.13      43.98  
  5 Miriovsky, Teddy           9 JVRA                   46.38      44.58  
  6 Broach, Matt D            10 Lily Flagg             44.88      45.15  
  7 Groves, William E         10 RSAL                   47.95      45.43  
  8 Sprinz, Evan              10 Sherwood               48.25      45.53  
  9 Tewalt, Kornei            10 Hammerheads            48.63      46.75  
 10 Paque, Maddox             10 Blossomwood            48.83      48.83  
 11 Sturmfels, Oscar           9 Lily Flagg             49.50      48.90  
 12 Cochran, Carter           10 JVRA                   48.58      49.25  
 13 Oneill, Tyndale            9 VHCC                   52.06      49.26  
 14 Bains, Owen J             10 MNSO                   50.60      49.72  
 15 Henderson, Pio K          10 Hampton Cove           51.19      49.91  
 16 Ferguson, James           10 Blossomwood            51.76      50.50  
 17 Ukeje, Ife                10 SJST                   48.51      50.70  
 18 Howison, Landon           10 The Tide               52.48      50.89  
 19 Abel, Todd                10 The Tide               53.05      51.59  
 20 Rogers, Grayson            9 The Tide               54.20      51.81  
 21 Burnham, Joshua            9 CAML                   51.29      52.00  
 22 Harriman, Hayes           10 VHCC                   54.47      53.34  
 23 Bickel, Deaglin           10 VHCC                   55.03      53.50  
 24 Smith, Tristen            10 Chapman              1:00.14      53.78  
 25 Deston, Declan            10 JVRA                   58.05      53.99  
 26 Moore, Liam                9 MNSO                   52.50      54.26  
 27 Stursma, Lucas             9 Stingrays            1:01.14      55.15  
 28 Craig, Zach                9 Gators               1:03.81      55.38  
 29 Gotvald, Nelson            9 MNSO                   59.77      55.63  
 30 Todd, Samuel               9 Sherwood               57.05      57.04  
 31 Cubel, Grant W             9 Byrd Spring          1:00.34      58.84  
 32 Trafton, Connor           10 SJST                   56.87      59.56  
 33 Neely, Judah              10 PIED                 1:03.88    1:02.45  
 34 Appletoft, Brock           9 Hampton Cove         1:10.76    1:02.77  
 35 Mitchell, Kannon D         9 RSAL                 1:13.60    1:06.42  
 36 Bumgarner, Blaise          9 Chapman              1:06.56    1:06.62  
 36 Mullins, Connor           10 Gators               1:10.41    1:06.62  
 38 Alford, Cameron A          9 Byrd Spring          1:11.33    1:13.35  
 39 Scully, Griffin           10 Chapman              1:27.80    1:24.90  
 -- Rice, Parker              10 CAML                      NT         DQ  
 -- Reeves, Andrew             9 CAML                   56.53         DQ  
 -- Reynolds, Kipton B        10 Hammerheads          1:07.66         DQ  
 -- Taylor, Reid               9 Gators               1:00.84         DQ  
 -- Holland, Harrison G        9 Hampton Cove           49.65         DQ  
 -- Powell, Jackson           10 PIED                 1:03.41         DQ  
 -- Smith, Hudson             10 Blossomwood               NT         DQ  
 -- Murphree, Quin             9 Stingrays              56.70         DQ  
Event 70  Mixed 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
 RCSL Record:   1:59.35        1983 Southeast YMCA                             
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Piedmont Recreation Associatio  'A'               2:14.62    2:09.88  
     1) Mooty, Liddie W10               2) Hamer, Asa M9                  
     3) McCloud, Grant J M10            4) Handley, Molly W10             
  2 Jones Valley Recreation Assn.  'A'                2:13.59    2:09.90  
     1) Newby, Luke M10                 2) Miriovsky, Teddy M9            
     3) Ralph, Kyndall W9               4) Beauchamp, Gabrielle W9        
  3 Lily Flagg Swim Team  'A'                         2:22.56    2:15.07  
     1) Olsen, Bart M M10               2) Mikatarian, Jessica E W10      
     3) Webber, Hazel M W9              4) Broach, Matt D M10             
  4 Monte Sano  'A'                                   2:16.45    2:15.47  
     1) Morgan, Audrey W10              2) Bains, Owen J M10              
     3) Cantey, Harry M10               4) Quadrini, Paige W10            
  5 Blossomwood Swim Team  'A'                        2:21.51    2:17.74  
     1) Paque, Maddox M10               2) Ferguson, James M10            
     3) Clark, Lily W10                 4) Carter, Katherine W10          
  6 Whitesburg Tide  'A'                              2:37.20    2:23.22  
     1) Howison, Landon M10             2) Barnsby, Matthew M10           
     3) Borchers, Elizabeth W10         4) Harrison, Addison W9           
  7 Mountain Springs  'A'                             2:22.33    2:23.29  
     1) Ford, Sykes M10                 2) Schrimsher, Rowan M10          
     3) Rimes, Cora W10                 4) Hulgan, Katherine W10          
  8 Valley Hill Country Club  'A'                     2:34.94    2:26.73  
     1) Sandora, Claire W10             2) Harriman, Hayes M10            
     3) Slette, Katie W10               4) Painter, Bryce M9              
  9 Redstone Arsenal Launchers  'A'                   2:39.18    2:29.59  
     1) Jones, Lily A W10               2) Groves, William E M10          
     3) Mitchell, Kannon D M9           4) Harness, Anne Marie M W10      
 10 Greenwyche Gators  'A'                            2:34.14    2:32.71  
     1) Bevel, Emily W10                2) Bevel, Grant M10               
     3) Brigance, Benjamin M10          4) Ludwig, Cydney W9              
 11 Chapman swim team  'A'                            2:34.53    2:36.38  
     1) Hunt, Carlie W10                2) Madsen, Phillip M9             
     3) Campbell, Shiloh M9             4) Hanna, Lucy W10                
 12 Hampton Cove Hurricanes  'A'                      2:35.01    2:39.01  
     1) Henderson, Pio K M10            2) Stark, Aubrey E W10            
     3) Park, Sofia J W10               4) Holland, Harrison G M9         
 13 Camelot Recreation Association  'A'               2:44.86    2:40.60  
     1) Rice, Parker M10                2) Ashton, Abigail W10            
     3) Turner, Sophia W9               4) Turner, Elijah M9              
 14 Sharon Johnston Swim Team  'A'                    2:51.87    2:47.72  
     1) Gastler, Zach M9                2) Jones, Enslee W9               
     3) Castor, Clarissa W10            4) Ukeje, Ife M10                 
 15 Sherwood Swim Team  'A'                                NT    2:49.64  
     1) Sprinz, Evan M10                2) Glass, Lucy W10                
     3) Eubanks, Luci W9                4) Detwiler, Fritz M10            
 16 Byrd Spring  'A'                                  2:52.70    2:58.47  
     1) Wierenga, Austin M M9           2) Cubel, Grant W M9              
     3) Pierce, Cassidy R W10           4) Easterling, Evy R W9           
Event 71  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly
 RCSL Record:   29.83        1993 Margaret Hoelzer, Jones Valley               
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals        
A - Final
  1 Quadrini, Paige           10 MNSO                   30.60      30.25  
  2 Beauchamp, Gabrielle       9 JVRA                   34.04      33.75  
  3 Handley, Molly            10 PIED                   34.01      34.81  
  4 Jones, Lily A             10 RSAL                   36.00      36.18  
  5 Webber, Hazel M            9 Lily Flagg             37.16      38.57  
  6 Morgan, Audrey            10 MNSO                   39.24      40.39  
  7 Vayda, Arleigh G          10 PIED                   39.98      40.54  
  8 Clark, Lily               10 Blossomwood            40.56      41.43  
B - Final
  9 Segrest, Caroline          9 MNSO                   40.83      39.27  
 10 Miriovsky, Penelope        9 JVRA                   40.70      39.71  
 11 Sandora, Claire           10 VHCC                   43.09      40.49  
 12 Yates, Lauren             10 Blossomwood            42.74      40.70  
 13 Fleming, Merril E         10 PIED                   42.26      40.99  
 14 Ludwig, Cydney             9 Gators                 42.87      42.20  
 15 Harness, Anne Marie M     10 RSAL                   41.89      42.34  
 16 Mikatarian, Jessica E     10 Lily Flagg             43.60      43.73  
Event 71  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly
 RCSL Record:   29.83        1993 Margaret Hoelzer, Jones Valley               
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Quadrini, Paige           10 MNSO                   30.93      30.60  
  2 Handley, Molly            10 PIED                   36.78      34.01  
  3 Beauchamp, Gabrielle       9 JVRA                   34.19      34.04  
  4 Jones, Lily A             10 RSAL                   38.19      36.00  
  5 Webber, Hazel M            9 Lily Flagg             39.07      37.16  
  6 Morgan, Audrey            10 MNSO                   42.06      39.24  
  7 Vayda, Arleigh G          10 PIED                   41.00      39.98  
  8 Clark, Lily               10 Blossomwood            41.84      40.56  
  9 Miriovsky, Penelope        9 JVRA                   42.26      40.70  
 10 Segrest, Caroline          9 MNSO                   42.75      40.83  
 11 Harness, Anne Marie M     10 RSAL                   41.37      41.89  
 12 Fleming, Merril E         10 PIED                   41.99      42.26  
 13 Yates, Lauren             10 Blossomwood            42.88      42.74  
 14 Ludwig, Cydney             9 Gators                 43.44      42.87  
 15 Sandora, Claire           10 VHCC                   44.72      43.09  
 16 Mikatarian, Jessica E     10 Lily Flagg             32.52      43.60  
 17 Harrison, Addison          9 The Tide               44.77      43.78  
 18 Brown, Shelby             10 Gators                 48.55      44.35  
 19 Stark, Aubrey E           10 Hampton Cove           45.46      44.67  
 20 Sandora, Kaitlyn           9 VHCC                   46.66      44.69  
 21 Rimes, Cora               10 Stingrays              45.18      44.70  
 22 Walker, Riley              9 The Tide               46.45      45.13  
 23 Pierce, Cassidy R         10 Byrd Spring            49.58      47.82  
 24 Kingsbury, Polina C        9 Hampton Cove           51.09      47.89  
 25 Allan, Nora               10 Gators                 49.94      48.12  
 26 Cooper, Isabelle           9 JVRA                   44.93      48.90  
 27 Law, Reese K               9 Lily Flagg             54.32      49.10  
 28 Hagedorn, Nanaya          10 VHCC                   54.08      49.54  
 29 Ashton, Abigail           10 CAML                 1:08.88      50.63  
 30 Hinton, Alice             10 Stingrays              42.85      51.57  
 31 McDonald, Phoebe           9 Stingrays              50.91      51.81  
 32 Igo, Darby                 9 Blossomwood          1:00.16      53.07  
 33 Thomas, Emerie            10 SJST                 1:01.62      54.64  
 34 Brown, Vera               10 The Tide               52.10      56.02  
 35 Jones, Enslee              9 SJST                   53.47      56.70  
 36 Park, Sofia J             10 Hampton Cove           52.07      57.64  
 37 Sukhwani, Charlotte        9 CAML                 1:09.54    1:03.74  
 38 O'Neal, Molly M           10 Hammerheads          1:22.76    1:13.76  
 39 Eubanks, Luci              9 Sherwood             1:24.54    1:14.32  
 40 Freelove, Lilly            9 Sherwood             1:16.86    1:23.45  
 -- Conner, Kimberly           9 Sherwood             1:24.83         DQ  
 -- Hanna, Lucy               10 Chapman                52.16         DQ  
 -- Putt, Alana R              9 Byrd Spring               NT         DQ  
Event 72  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly
 RCSL Record:   29.56   7/15/2007 Chandler Espy, Jones Valley-                 
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals        
A - Final
  1 Utley, Carson             10 JVRA                   35.05      34.43  
  2 Newby, Luke               10 JVRA                   35.35      35.17  
  3 Broach, Matt D            10 Lily Flagg             36.64      36.70  
  4 Groves, William E         10 RSAL                   36.58      36.79  
  5 Detwiler, Fritz           10 Sherwood               39.20      38.72  
  6 Hamer, Asa                 9 PIED                   38.66      38.93  
  7 Miriovsky, Teddy           9 JVRA                   40.14      40.82  
  8 Ohlson, Reed              10 MNSO                   40.79      41.03  
B - Final
  9 Bevel, Grant              10 Gators                 41.09      39.47  
 10 Gastler, Zach              9 SJST                   41.38      40.07  
 11 Ramage, Turner M           9 Lily Flagg             43.57      41.69  
 12 Brigance, Benjamin        10 Gators                 43.29      42.39  
 13 Painter, Bryce             9 VHCC                   46.85      42.56  
 14 Good, Kolton               9 Blossomwood            45.29      43.99  
 15 Paque, Maddox             10 Blossomwood            45.67      45.21  
 16 Ukeje, Ife                10 SJST                   45.58      45.46  
Event 72  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly
 RCSL Record:   29.56   7/15/2007 Chandler Espy, Jones Valley-                 
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Utley, Carson             10 JVRA                   37.70      35.05  
  2 Newby, Luke               10 JVRA                   37.86      35.35  
  3 Groves, William E         10 RSAL                   38.40      36.58  
  4 Broach, Matt D            10 Lily Flagg             38.90      36.64  
  5 Hamer, Asa                 9 PIED                   39.85      38.66  
  6 Detwiler, Fritz           10 Sherwood               42.48      39.20  
  7 Miriovsky, Teddy           9 JVRA                   41.09      40.14  
  8 Ohlson, Reed              10 MNSO                   44.57      40.79  
  9 Bevel, Grant              10 Gators                 43.95      41.09  
 10 Gastler, Zach              9 SJST                   43.37      41.38  
 11 Brigance, Benjamin        10 Gators                 43.32      43.29  
 12 Ramage, Turner M           9 Lily Flagg             48.66      43.57  
 13 Good, Kolton               9 Blossomwood            44.76      45.29  
 14 Ukeje, Ife                10 SJST                   54.22      45.58  
 15 Paque, Maddox             10 Blossomwood            42.83      45.67  
 16 Painter, Bryce             9 VHCC                   46.41      46.85  
 17 Stursma, Lucas             9 Stingrays              51.15      47.45  
 18 Henderson, Pio K          10 Hampton Cove           47.53      47.59  
 19 Rice, Parker              10 CAML                 1:00.20      47.61  
 20 Harriman, Hayes           10 VHCC                   54.19      48.60  
 21 Butler, Levi E            10 Lily Flagg             51.16      50.40  
 22 Holland, Harrison G        9 Hampton Cove           56.94      50.63  
 23 Schrimsher, Rowan         10 Stingrays              49.45      51.24  
 24 Burnham, Joshua            9 CAML                   54.29      51.31  
 25 Sprinz, Evan              10 Sherwood               50.83      51.34  
 26 Rogers, Grayson            9 The Tide               56.35      51.36  
 27 Gotvald, Graham            9 MNSO                   52.94      52.66  
 28 Wilson, Oliver             9 Blossomwood            52.15      53.06  
 29 Lindgren, Matthew         10 Gators                 53.50      53.35  
 30 Reeves, Andrew             9 CAML                 1:05.19      54.31  
 31 Smith, Tristen            10 Chapman              1:08.52      56.07  
 32 Rooker, Jackson           10 The Tide             1:08.12      56.34  
 33 Proud, Brendan             9 MNSO                 1:02.02      56.60  
 34 Provence, Cole             9 SJST                 1:05.75      56.71  
 35 McCann, Samuel             9 The Tide             1:06.45      56.79  
 36 Campbell, Shiloh           9 Chapman                56.11      59.49  
 37 Madsen, Phillip            9 Chapman              1:01.64      59.76  
 38 Davis, Brantley           10 Sherwood               58.18    1:05.71  
 39 Cubel, Grant W             9 Byrd Spring          1:04.12    1:06.65  
 40 Wierenga, Austin M         9 Byrd Spring          1:09.59    1:09.11  
 41 Townsley, Hudson A         9 Hampton Cove         1:38.32    1:16.54  
 -- Johnson, Paul              9 PIED                   54.53         DQ  
 -- Matheny, James            10 PIED                      NT         DQ  
 -- Pommerenck, Brody         10 Stingrays              52.77         DQ  
 -- Snider, Carson             9 Hammerheads               NT         DQ  
Event 73  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke
 RCSL Record:   32.16        1989 Lee Ann Gathings, Greenwyche                 
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals        
A - Final
  1 Quadrini, Paige           10 MNSO                   34.09      33.88  
  2 Humphrey-Troupe, Samanth  10 Hammerheads            35.64      35.13  
  3 Handley, Molly            10 PIED                   35.90      36.93  
  4 Jones, Lily A             10 RSAL                   38.99      38.44  
  5 Mooty, Liddie             10 PIED                   38.46      38.64  
  6 Harness, Anne Marie M     10 RSAL                   39.70      39.94  
  7 Miriovsky, Penelope        9 JVRA                   40.38      40.34  
  8 Ralph, Kyndall             9 JVRA                   40.39      41.16  
B - Final
  9 Hulgan, Katherine         10 Stingrays              40.54      40.49  
 10 Webber, Hazel M            9 Lily Flagg             40.59      40.66  
 11 Lee, Kinley                9 Gators                 42.30      40.76  
 12 Carter, Katherine         10 Blossomwood            41.31      40.93  
 13 Segrest, Reese             9 MNSO                   40.56      41.05  
 14 Mauldin, Liz               9 MNSO                   42.19      42.20  
 15 Earls, Reese              10 PIED                   42.38      42.42  
 16 Lowe, Landry              10 Blossomwood            41.57      42.68  
Event 73  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke
 RCSL Record:   32.16        1989 Lee Ann Gathings, Greenwyche                 
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Quadrini, Paige           10 MNSO                   36.21      34.09  
  2 Humphrey-Troupe, Samanth  10 Hammerheads            38.31      35.64  
  3 Handley, Molly            10 PIED                   37.62      35.90  
  4 Mooty, Liddie             10 PIED                   38.90      38.46  
  5 Jones, Lily A             10 RSAL                   39.86      38.99  
  6 Harness, Anne Marie M     10 RSAL                   41.76      39.70  
  7 Miriovsky, Penelope        9 JVRA                   40.06      40.38  
  8 Ralph, Kyndall             9 JVRA                   39.66      40.39  
  9 Hulgan, Katherine         10 Stingrays              41.08      40.54  
 10 Segrest, Reese             9 MNSO                   41.21      40.56  
 11 Webber, Hazel M            9 Lily Flagg             40.82      40.59  
 12 Carter, Katherine         10 Blossomwood            41.10      41.31  
 13 Lowe, Landry              10 Blossomwood            45.07      41.57  
 14 Mauldin, Liz               9 MNSO                   42.64      42.19  
 15 Lee, Kinley                9 Gators                 40.38      42.30  
 16 Earls, Reese              10 PIED                   42.53      42.38  
 17 Clark, Lily               10 Blossomwood            42.74      42.70  
 18 Borchers, Elizabeth       10 The Tide               46.27      43.59  
 19 Harrison, Addison          9 The Tide               45.89      43.69  
 20 Walker, Riley              9 The Tide               44.29      44.41  
 21 Mikatarian, Jessica E     10 Lily Flagg             47.58      44.80  
 22 Pierce, Cassidy R         10 Byrd Spring            54.18      45.61  
 23 Law, Reese K               9 Lily Flagg             48.59      45.70  
 24 Rimes, Cora               10 Stingrays              45.62      45.93  
 25 Sandora, Claire           10 VHCC                   46.31      46.25  
 26 Hanna, Lucy               10 Chapman                49.11      46.35  
 27 Ludwig, Cydney             9 Gators                 45.29      46.47  
 28 Deason, Harper            10 Stingrays              48.05      46.81  
 29 Slette, Addie             10 VHCC                   52.02      49.31  
 30 Sandora, Kaitlyn           9 VHCC                   52.01      49.64  
 31 Ralph, Juliana             9 JVRA                   53.21      49.68  
 32 Castor, Clarissa          10 SJST                   48.70      49.88  
 33 Turner, Sophia             9 CAML                   54.70      50.70  
 34 Hunt, Carlie              10 Chapman                53.20      51.34  
 35 Allan, Nora               10 Gators                 49.19      51.50  
 36 Glass, Lucy               10 Sherwood               57.87      52.24  
 37 Hughes, Caroline          10 Chapman                56.28      53.44  
 38 Jones, Enslee              9 SJST                   52.57      55.14  
 39 Thomas, Emerie            10 SJST                      NT      56.09  
 40 Sukhwani, Charlotte        9 CAML                 1:04.91      56.66  
 41 Park, Sofia J             10 Hampton Cove           52.39      56.94  
 42 Kingsbury, Polina C        9 Hampton Cove           56.11      57.65  
 43 Kenny, Norah               9 Sherwood             1:06.75      58.58  
 44 Harris, Elizabeth G       10 Hampton Cove           56.09    1:03.00  
 45 Putt, Alana R              9 Byrd Spring          1:17.53    1:04.08  
 46 O'Neal, Molly M           10 Hammerheads          1:15.83    1:08.15  
 47 Anderson, Kira M           9 RSAL                 1:08.32    1:09.79  
 48 Easterling, Lynlee A       9 Byrd Spring          1:15.28    1:11.59  
 49 Yobs, Judy                10 Sherwood             1:28.36    1:15.68  
Event 74  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke
 RCSL Record:   31.32   7/15/2007 Chandler Espy, Jones Valley-                 
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals        
A - Final
  1 Newby, Luke               10 JVRA                   36.51      36.36  
  2 McCloud, Grant J          10 PIED                   37.25      37.32  
  3 Olsen, Bart M             10 Lily Flagg             40.59      39.14  
  4 Groves, William E         10 RSAL                   40.31      40.30  
  5 Miriovsky, Teddy           9 JVRA                   40.30      40.98  
  6 Hamer, Asa                 9 PIED                   40.74      41.11  
  7 Sturmfels, Oscar           9 Lily Flagg             42.90      44.49  
  8 Tewalt, Kornei            10 Hammerheads            42.26      45.15  
B - Final
  9 Utley, Carson             10 JVRA                   43.43      41.25  
 10 Ohlson, Reed              10 MNSO                   43.75      42.25  
 11 Burnham, Joshua            9 CAML                   43.19      42.46  
 12 Turner, Elijah             9 CAML                   44.18      44.49  
 13 Detwiler, Fritz           10 Sherwood               43.69      44.93  
 14 Painter, Bryce             9 VHCC                   43.94      44.96  
 15 Howison, Landon           10 The Tide               44.02      44.99  
 16 Bains, Owen J             10 MNSO                   44.03      46.02  
Event 74  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke
 RCSL Record:   31.32   7/15/2007 Chandler Espy, Jones Valley-                 
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Newby, Luke               10 JVRA                   37.85      36.51  
  2 McCloud, Grant J          10 PIED                   42.13      37.25  
  3 Miriovsky, Teddy           9 JVRA                   40.03      40.30  
  4 Groves, William E         10 RSAL                   41.51      40.31  
  5 Olsen, Bart M             10 Lily Flagg             42.46      40.59  
  6 Hamer, Asa                 9 PIED                   42.31      40.74  
  7 Tewalt, Kornei            10 Hammerheads            48.81      42.26  
  8 Sturmfels, Oscar           9 Lily Flagg             48.13      42.90  
  9 Burnham, Joshua            9 CAML                   43.25      43.19  
 10 Utley, Carson             10 JVRA                   42.82      43.43  
 11 Detwiler, Fritz           10 Sherwood               46.82      43.69  
 12 Ohlson, Reed              10 MNSO                   44.32      43.75  
 13 Painter, Bryce             9 VHCC                   46.60      43.94  
 14 Howison, Landon           10 The Tide               46.79      44.02  
 15 Bains, Owen J             10 MNSO                   44.97      44.03  
 16 Turner, Elijah             9 CAML                   48.33      44.18  
 17 Henderson, Pio K          10 Hampton Cove           45.81      44.95  
 18 Ferguson, James           10 Blossomwood            45.76      45.16  
 19 Pommerenck, Brody         10 Stingrays              47.44      45.21  
 20 Clay, Eli                  9 Sherwood               47.26      45.57  
 21 Schrimsher, Rowan         10 Stingrays              44.28      46.82  
 22 Turner, Adler             10 CAML                   53.18      47.17  
 22 Butler, Levi E            10 Lily Flagg             46.69      47.17  
 24 Brigance, Benjamin        10 Gators                 46.17      48.28  
 25 Holland, Harrison G        9 Hampton Cove           50.96      48.76  
 26 Proud, Brendan             9 MNSO                   49.52      50.05  
 27 Mcbride, Carson           10 Chapman                50.53      50.99  
 28 Mullins, Connor           10 Gators                 56.14      51.03  
 29 Matheny, James            10 PIED                   55.52      51.22  
 30 Snider, Carson             9 Hammerheads          1:10.25      51.29  
 31 Custer, Ben               10 Sherwood               57.64      51.43  
 32 Wilson, Oliver             9 Blossomwood            48.84      51.68  
 33 Barnsby, Matthew          10 The Tide               53.89      51.72  
 34 Gastler, Zach              9 SJST                   49.40      51.95  
 35 Provence, Cole             9 SJST                   54.57      52.43  
 36 Slette, Zach              10 VHCC                   54.09      52.62  
 37 Abel, Todd                10 The Tide               52.71      52.88  
 38 Campbell, Shiloh           9 Chapman                53.35      54.37  
 39 Wood, Rowdy                9 SJST                 1:02.79      54.95  
 40 Bickel, Deaglin           10 VHCC                   56.07      55.22  
 41 Wierenga, Austin M         9 Byrd Spring          1:07.46      55.68  
 42 Madsen, Phillip            9 Chapman              1:04.28      55.70  
 43 Bevel, Grant              10 Gators                 52.71      58.83  
 44 Mitchell, Kannon D         9 RSAL                 1:11.71    1:01.84  
 45 Alford, Cameron A          9 Byrd Spring          1:14.06    1:05.10  
 -- Ford, Sykes               10 Stingrays              44.87         DQ  
 -- Smith, Hudson             10 Blossomwood               NT         DQ  
Event 75  Girls 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
 RCSL Record:   2:01.98        1997 Randolph                                   
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Monte Sano  'A'                                   2:15.35    2:12.28  
     1) Morgan, Audrey 10               2) Williams, Lucy 9               
     3) Segrest, Reese 9                4) Quadrini, Paige 10             
  2 Jones Valley Recreation Assn.  'A'                2:20.38    2:16.46  
     1) Ralph, Kyndall 9                2) Garrett, Jacksyn A 10          
     3) Miriovsky, Penelope 9           4) Beauchamp, Gabrielle 9         
  3 Piedmont Recreation Associatio  'A'               2:14.16    2:16.60  
     1) Mooty, Liddie 10                2) Vayda, Arleigh G 10            
     3) Fleming, Merril E 10            4) Handley, Molly 10              
  4 Whitesburg Tide  'A'                              2:32.23    2:29.74  
     1) Borchers, Elizabeth 10          2) Dailey, Lyra 10                
     3) Walker, Riley 9                 4) Harrison, Addison 9            
  5 Greenwyche Gators  'A'                            2:32.03    2:30.67  
     1) Bevel, Emily 10                 2) Brown, Shelby 10               
     3) Lee, Kinley 9                   4) Ludwig, Cydney 9               
  6 Mountain Springs  'A'                             2:28.72    2:31.88  
     1) Alexander, Mollie 10            2) McDonald, Phoebe 9             
     3) Rimes, Cora 10                  4) Hulgan, Katherine 10           
  7 Lily Flagg Swim Team  'A'                         2:43.78    2:39.18  
     1) Mikatarian, Jessica E 10        2) McLain, Beattie 9              
     3) Brown, Elsie S 10               4) Webber, Hazel M 9              
  8 Chapman swim team  'A'                            2:42.36    2:44.48  
     1) Hunt, Carlie 10                 2) Hughes, Caroline 10            
     3) Lee, Stella 9                   4) Hanna, Lucy 10                 
  9 Valley Hill Country Club  'A'                     2:38.69    2:47.62  
     1) Slette, Katie 10                2) Wintzell, Chloe 10             
     3) Sandora, Kaitlyn 9              4) Sandora, Claire 10             
 10 Hampton Cove Hurricanes  'A'                      2:56.60    2:51.24  
     1) Park, Sofia J 10                2) Harris, Elizabeth G 10         
     3) Kingsbury, Polina C 9           4) Stark, Aubrey E 10             
 11 Sharon Johnston Swim Team  'A'                    2:49.60    3:02.95  
     1) Jones, Enslee 9                 2) Wright, Aniston 10             
     3) Thomas, Emerie 10               4) Castor, Clarissa 10            
 12 Redstone Arsenal Launchers  'A'                   3:01.71    3:14.65  
     1) Jones, Lily A 10                2) Yonk, Bailey R 10              
     3) Anderson, Kira M 9              4) Harness, Anne Marie M 10       
 13 Byrd Spring  'A'                                  3:21.49    3:19.57  
     1) Pierce, Cassidy R 10            2) Smith, Rosie G 10              
     3) Putt, Alana R 9                 4) Easterling, Evy R 9            
 14 Sherwood Swim Team  'A'                           3:31.85    3:24.95  
     1) Eubanks, Luci 9                 2) Freelove, Lilly 9              
     3) Kenny, Norah 9                  4) Glass, Lucy 10                 
 15 Camelot Recreation Association  'A'               3:24.46    3:36.85  
     1) Ashton, Abigail 10              2) Sukhwani, Charlotte 9          
     3) Carroll, Julianne 8             4) Turner, Sophia 9               
 -- Blossomwood Swim Team  'A'                        2:23.34         DQ  
     1) Clark, Lily 10                  2) Lowe, Landry 10                
     3) Yates, Lauren 10                4) Carter, Katherine 10           
Event 76  Boys 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
 RCSL Record:   2:01.39        1997 Jones Valley                               
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Jones Valley Recreation Assn.  'A'                2:19.72    2:13.50  
     1) Miriovsky, Teddy 9              2) Deston, Declan 10              
     3) Utley, Carson 10                4) Newby, Luke 10                 
  2 Lily Flagg Swim Team  'A'                         2:23.27    2:15.43  
     1) Olsen, Bart M 10                2) Ramage, Turner M 9             
     3) Sturmfels, Oscar 9              4) Broach, Matt D 10              
  3 Monte Sano  'A'                                   2:34.35    2:29.84  
     1) Cantey, Harry 10                2) Gotvald, Nelson 9              
     3) Ohlson, Reed 10                 4) Bains, Owen J 10               
  4 Piedmont Recreation Associatio  'A'               2:38.86    2:32.46  
     1) McCloud, Grant J 10             2) Matheny, James 10              
     3) Neely, Judah 10                 4) Hamer, Asa 9                   
  5 Whitesburg Tide  'A'                              2:46.27    2:35.86  
     1) Dyer, Fletcher 10               2) Barnsby, Matthew 10            
     3) Abel, Todd 10                   4) Howison, Landon 10             
  6 Mountain Springs  'A'                             2:37.08    2:36.31  
     1) Shrader, Noah 10                2) Stursma, Lucas 9               
     3) Ford, Sykes 10                  4) Schrimsher, Rowan 10           
  7 Valley Hill Country Club  'A'                     2:30.85    2:36.77  
     1) Painter, Bryce 9                2) Bickel, Deaglin 10             
     3) Warnke, John 9                  4) Harriman, Hayes 10             
  8 Greenwyche Gators  'A'                            2:49.30    2:44.68  
     1) Bevel, Grant 10                 2) Lindgren, Matthew 10           
     3) Mullins, Connor 10              4) Brigance, Benjamin 10          
  9 Sherwood Swim Team  'A'                           2:48.52    2:46.39  
     1) Sprinz, Evan 10                 2) Clay, Eli 9                    
     3) Custer, Ben 10                  4) Detwiler, Fritz 10             
 10 Chapman swim team  'A'                            2:51.90    2:50.56  
     1) Campbell, Shiloh 9              2) Mcbride, Carson 10             
     3) Smith, Tristen 10               4) Madsen, Phillip 9              
 11 Hampton Cove Hurricanes  'A'                      3:03.63    2:55.67  
     1) Henderson, Pio K 10             2) Appletoft, Brock 9             
     3) Townsley, Hudson A 9            4) Holland, Harrison G 9          
 12 Sharon Johnston Swim Team  'A'                    2:52.21    2:56.12  
     1) Provence, Cole 9                2) Wood, Rowdy 9                  
     3) Gastler, Zach 9                 4) Ukeje, Ife 10                  
 13 Byrd Spring  'A'                                  3:35.00    3:10.59  
     1) Cubel, Grant W 9                2) Alford, Cameron A 9            
     3) Ferguson, Jonathan C 8          4) Wierenga, Austin M 9           
 -- Camelot Recreation Association  'A'               2:33.25         DQ  
     1) Rice, Parker 10                 2) Turner, Adler 10               
     3) Burnham, Joshua 9               4) Turner, Elijah 9               
 -- Blossomwood Swim Team  'A'                        2:28.98         DQ  
     1) Ferguson, James 10              2) Smith, Hudson 10               
     3) Wilson, Oliver 9                4) Paque, Maddox 10               
                    Combined Team Scores - Through Event 76                    
  1. Jones Valley Recreation Assn.      1272   2. Monte Sano                         1186
  3. Greenwyche Gators                  1175   4. Blossomwood Swim Team              1053
  5. Lily Flagg Swim Team                850   6. Piedmont Recreation Associatio    814.5
  7. Mountain Springs                    572   8. Whitesburg Tide                   563.5
  9. Camelot Recreation Association      419  10. Hampton Cove Hurricanes             411
 11. Sharon Johnston Swim Team         367.5  12. Redstone Arsenal Launchers        348.5
 13. Sherwood Swim Team                  337  14. Valley Hill Country Club            331
 15. Mt. Carmel Hammerheads              316  16. Chapman Swim Team                   253
 17. Byrd Spring                         158                                             



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